New fresh premium Osclass theme with light design, premium features, perfect user experience and massive footer. Delta theme has been precisely optimized for mobile devices and most popular languages, including RTL.Powerful classifieds themeDelta osclass theme has been built using light color tones and gradients, so it will fit to different kind of classifieds websites. Template has been also optimized for minimum size, scripts usage and maximum speed and performance.
Delicate UX and UI created based on years of experience with classifieds
Seo optimized
Premium image gallery box design on listing page
Finest optimization for mobile devices
Custom modal box script
Swipper library integration for image slider
Listings list/grid with first 5 pictures preview
Ajax based search for best user experience
Navigation massive category box on home page
Next / previous listings & user profiles navigation buttons
Related ads & Other user ads blocks
Unique ad page mobile design, including fixed quick ad info box
Next-gen contact seller box
Unique fixed mobile top menu
H1/H2/H3 tags structure
Ajax form submission
16 pre-defined places for banners and adsense
Pre-integrated with most of OsclassPoint plugins
Premium image galleryTheme brings brand new image gallery to osclass classifieds with sliding thumbnails on right side. Similar design has already been used in Sigma theme, however in Delta theme, no matter how many images listing has, design will be perfect and if needed, scroll bars are generated.While sliding image listings, right side navigation with thumbnails is dynamical and slide together with main box.