Premium classifieds and marketplace theme with excellent design, first-class UX, dark mode support and special features like preferred location. Theme has 30% smaller stylesheets and scripts comparing to similar premium themes that enhance loading time, especially on mobile devices.Ultimate classifieds themeEpsilon theme can be considered as master piece of webdesign, functionality and scalability. It comes with features never seen on other themes and completely redesigned core, scripts and styles.Core theme features:
Excellent UX and UI
Dark mode support
Unique functionality to save user preferred location and show listings close to customer’s location, including recent locations and search patterns
Native support for non-uniform images (force image aspect)
Offer of the day feature
100% support for lazy loading of images
Custom colors and fonts
Brand new optimization features and functions (using also Osclass 8.0.2 fine-tuning)
Optimized header and seo structure
Alerts (subscriptions) reinvented and fully functional
Premium swipper image gallery
Redesigned and reinvented ajax search
Ajax calls optimized across theme
Premium listings block on home page showing listing closest to customer geolocation (if available)
Grid, List and Detail (new!) listing card view types
Custom aspect ratio for images (wide, square, normal, tall)
Custom modal box with backdrop effect (blurry cover)
Sticky header
Related ads feature (built-in)
Recent ads feature (built-in) viewed by customer
Mobile ready, optimized and built with accent to mobile users
User public profile with pagination
Sticky mobile menu
Best sellers (users) gallery on home page
Custom image gallery aspect ratio
20 pre-defined banner boxes with adsense optimization
Full support for Osclass profile picture uploader
Users online/offline status
Backoffice with redesigned layout and numerous configuration options
Pre-integration and custom styling for 15+ plugins
Support for locations auto-complete & cascading dropdowns (country > region > city)
RTL ready
Customized print listing page
Redesigned report listing feature